Caravansérail — Centre d'artistes

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visible - sensible

07.05.2022 - 15.05.2022

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In collaboration with

Mains BSL


mc berlinguette
Jérôme Caouette
Sigrid Patterson

Caravansérail Artist-Run Center 
Directions on Google Maps
Anytime during the center’s opening hours

Opening party: 
Sunday, May 8, 2022
2pm - 5pm

visible - sensible brings together the work of LGBTQ+ people from the Lower-Saint-Laurent, taking a look into a few of the multiple realities that make up our communities. Metaphorical portraiture, everyday spaces, images of loved ones and partners, abstract textures and materials - these are the tools used by the artists to capture experiences, affects, and ideas that resonate with and within their lives. Seeking to highlight the importance of creating spaces to express our plural existences, and bringing forward these diverse experiences, this project also held space for a few convivial meetings between people who are part of the LGBTQ+ communities.


Mains BSL is a community organization that supports the LGBT+ community and takes action against homophobia. Their first mandate is to inform, educate, and prevent HIV/aids infection and provide help and support to people living with HIV/aids and their loved ones in the Lower-Saint-Laurent region. Their second mandate is to inform and educate people about STIs and do prevention work while providing help and support to people living with STIs in the Lower-Saint-Laurent. Their third mandate is to inform and raise awareness about homosexuality and develop strategies to fight homophobia while supporting people living in the Lower-Saint-Laurent that live with problems related to the experience of being a member of the LGBT+ communities.


TENDRESSE! Rendez-vous pour briser l’isolement

9 jours d'activités artistiques gratuites
7 - 15 mai 2022

Comment l’art peut-il souligner nos interdépendances?
Par quels moyens peut-on être activement ensemble?
Quelles énergies convoquer pour ouvrir des espaces de partage?

À travers une quinzaine d’activités, Tendresse! explore les contours des isolements - sociaux, géographiques, artistiques - qui délimitent nos façons d’être, d’interagir et de nous soutenir. Rejetant les universalismes qui tendent à aplatir les iniquités, Tendresse! affirme plutôt que c’est dans l’addition de nos singularités, dans le foisonnement des spécificités que l’on peut construire le commun.

Retour à la programmation complète

Mettre en valeur le travail des artistes de la relève

Ça nous tient à coeur.

Notre centre d’artistes s’applique à offrir à la communauté des expositions de qualité et des activités gratuites qui font rayonner l’art actuel et les pratiques émergentes. En savoir plus sur notre mandat et nos activités, ICI.

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